Last Halloween I heard the name Haunted Hot Sauce for the first time from a friend who had purchased a few bottles for collector's purposes. Being a huge fan of all things so spicy they are possibly detrimental to my health, curiosity led me to seek out the website for myself and from the first page I was very impressed. The site was very easy to navigate, nicely designed and I was absorbed by the imagery and presentation of the products. With spooky names for flavors, such as Flesh Fest, Mortician's Mold, and Hell-Razor Habanero (just screams "I will disintegrate your mucosa", doesn't it?) along with handmade coffin boxes and the lighthearted Halloween vibe that I got from the products I thought that the actual sauce was probably too good to be true. You know how it goes. Most of the time, if a sauce/beer/liquor has a gorgeous label, the actual product is terrible, much like a zombie prostitute...
Well, for months now I have been keeping an eye on and contemplating trying out a few flavors. I thought to myself, "How bad could this possibly be?" Everything is all homemade and the guy is based in the Southern USA, which I can tell, means he knows a thing or two about heat in more ways that one (fyi, it's 90° F outside with 93% humidity as I type this.) Last week I decided it was time to give The Undertaker and his line of sauce a shot, starting with Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein (of The Misfits/Gorgeous Frankenstein fame) endorsed "Made in Hell" sauce. Trust me, if you get a horror-punk legend to endorse your produce, I will inevitably buy it. That's just how it is. Turns out the sauce is not simply endorsed by Doyle, it is his sauce, meaning that our pal The Undertaker designed a sauce for Doyle, that Doyle actually uses. Awesome.
So as I took the photo you see at the top of the page, I had full intention of simply displaying a nice looking sealed collectable littered among my vast collection of the weird and macabre that I may one day crack open, or not. Later the same evening as I was disposing of the body--- I mean, packaging that the sauce arrived in I happened to see a note from The Undertaker "Open this bottle!" demanded said note. I thought for a moment, "this seems like a pretty confident guy" most other companies would rather put "not for human consumption" rather than an open invitation to try their mediocre product. I grabbed it from the shelf and did as commanded.
I peeled the plastic seal away, removed the lid and took a whiff of the stuff. One word---wow. It seemed really tasty. Peppery and spicy. I noticed that there was no pour-spout/stopper-thingie in the top and I soon realized why. Aside from being "Made in Hell" this sauce is thick as Hell too!
I poured some onto a spoon and admired the rough, coarsely ground texture. I gave it a try and wow. The sauce is pretty damn heavenly for something made in Hell, supposing your scope of "Hell" is based only on the Christian concept of a place of suffering, instead of a rock 'n' roll paradise where apparently delicious hot sauce is brewed...
So in 3 days I have had this sauce on eggs, on chicken, a burger, tofu, steamed vegetables and by itself. Over half the bottle is gone. Seriously. The flavor is not too spicy, even for those out there with a low tolerance to heat. The sauce contains basil which is an appreciated twist and along with the thickness of the sauce, it makes for a great spice/texture/flavor combination. Do yourself a favor and check this guy out. I rate this sauce A+ and I will be back for more Doyle's, and to try the different flavors as well! Thanks Undertaker! Keep up the great work!
When not interring corpses, you can find The Undertaker in front of his cauldron at:
website: (back online soon!)
Doyles Made in Hell site:
twitter: @HauntedHotSauce
facebook (for Made in Hell):